In addition to a love of making music, musicians share a love of gear. With so many fun and exciting new toys at our disposal the choices are nearly endless. Unfortunately sometimes accumulating too much gear can be a problem, which is why we work hard to help you sell your unwanted or under utilized gear to make room for cool new stuff.
Our most popular option, selling on consignment simply means that you bring your product to our store and leave it with us, and we will sell it for you at a mutually agreed upon price. Once sold, we pay you 75% of that price. Consignment items get displayed in our store and featured on our website, Facebook Fan page, and Instagram for maximum exposure. Our experienced staff can also assist you in determining the best selling price for your used equipment as well as recommend any necessary repairs to get your gear in perfect selling condition. Our maximum commission for a consignment sale is $2500 which allows you to sell your most expensive items without paying a disproportionately high commission. Our minimum commission for a consignment sale is $50 so items that sell for less than $200 would be paying a higher commission rate than our typical 25%.
Trading in your product is the fastest and most efficient way to get rid of your unwanted or under utilized gear. Trades are simple. Once you decide what new product you would like, simply bring in your trade-in product. Our staff will evaluate it and decide on a value for your trade which is then deducted from your new product purchase price. All you pay the difference. Fast and easy. While trade-in values are generally lower then what you might hope to sell your gear for privately or on consignment, trading in lowers your "pre-tax" price which in turn lowers the amount of sales tax that you pay. Often, this tax savings makes up for the lower value. Trading in is an option that should always be considered.
Handling your equipment and taking trades is pretty easy but it's always good to know how we handle these things so that we are all on the same page.
- Consignment fee is 25% of the selling price - maximum commission fee is $2500 - Minimum commission fee is $100.
- Consignment pay outs are made 10 business days after the sale (or 10 business days after an item is received if shipped) by company cheque, debit transfer or applied to your store account if you prefer.
- There are no refunds on consignment product that are picked up in person, from our store. Items that are shipped have 24 hours from the time of receipt to report any issues and arrange for a return for refund if not satisfied.
- Used gear (owned by KAOS) can be returned within 7 days for exchange or credit only.
- Used and consignment products carry a 30 day limited warranty.